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Welcome to A Changing Wild World: a blog where I discuss and analyse current environment news and stories. This page is undergoing construction currently. Please be patient as this work continues. Thank you.

Earth Overshoot Day

Today is Earth Overshoot Day. This is not really a day to be celebrated. Unfortunately, this day represents the day each year when we have overshot the planet’s ability to annually regenerate itself. This means that today, we have consumed more resources than the planet is able to regenerate. In 2018, we’ll use up the equivalent of…

Mapping Pollution

Breathe it in. Is your air clean, or is it polluted? What might shock you is the real-time visualisations of the pollution in your area. In recent years a new wave of real-time air pollution models have been created, showing pollution hotspots and revealing what we are really breathing in. Why is pollution such a…

Pesky Plastic

Plastic is everywhere. From our morning coffee, the packaging around bananas, the tags on clothes to children’s toys. What is truly shocking, however, is that it’s estimated only 9% of all plastic ever created has been recycled. With a tidal wave of calls to reduce plastic in the past few months, how do we do…

My life as an elephant researcher

6:00 am – The day starts in STEP’s research camp with hot, strong coffee and fresh chapati prepared by Jose, our camp cook. Preparations of the equipment needed for fieldwork are carried out as breakfast is eaten. 7:30 – Kevin and I set off for Ruaha with the Land Rover packed full of our equipment,…

Our Trees – A British Charter

Charter for Trees, Woods and People Fifty organisations including the Forest Stewardship Council, National Trust, RSPB and WWF are calling for people in the UK to submit an anecdote, memory or even a photo explaining why or how trees and woodlands have enriched their lives. Led by the Woodland Trust, the campaign has seen 50,000…

Penguins struggling to find food in Southern Africa

A study  by researchers at the University of Exeter and the University of Cape Town has shown that endangered African penguin populations have dramatically declined due climate change and overfishing. Penguins primarily feed on sardines and anchovies on the South African and Namibian coastlines. However, due to environmental changes, their food supplies have been dwindling….

New monuments added to Obama’s legacy

President Obama has added two new national monuments in Utah and Nevada. These places are sacred tribal sites. In Obama’s time in office, he has created 29 national monuments, encompassing 553 million acres of land. The two new additions include the Bears Ears monument in Utah (approximately 1.35 million acres) and Gold Butte in Nevada…

Capturing the magic of Africa through drones

There is no doubt that Africa is one of the most beautiful continents. However, seeing it from the air is something else. Watch this video of drone footage of wild destinations across Africa.